“At a loss, I went searching for more answers.”
Continued…(For part 1 please read “Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness“)
At a loss, I went searching for more answers. I had already been learning from a book called “Taking Charge of your Fertility” but decided to take it more seriously and start charting and taking my temp to try and understand my body and what was going on with it. A friend recommended the Tempdrop. Instead of spending more money on ovulation sticks I decided to get the Tempdrop and temp for several months to confirm when my body ovulates.

“I had no other options…I was hopeful I would gain something out of it”
Life went on, and I made a habit of temping and learning more about my body in the process. The Tempdrop (Click this link to get $10 off your tempdrop purchase), takes a few months to learn your body and its algorithm, so I was patiently waiting, and learning. I had no other options at this point so I was hopeful I would gain something out of it.
I knew I still had a lot to learn, and I was a serious newbie at charting, and I still hadn’t read the book start to finish, but I was going to do everything I knew how to do every cycle in hopes a miracle would happen.

Two week wait period…
I had been charting for a few months and the algorithm had set in, I knew about when my body was going to ovulate and decided to confirm with the ovulation sticks. It was peak, and aligned with the exact day I had calculated of possible ovulation. I tested again the next morning to see if it was still peak, and the line was slightly lighter. We must have caught it just perfectly! A day later I had started taking progesterone as per the instructions from my fertility doctor, and patiently awaited yet another cycle of the 2 week wait period.

“Colton and I silently got excited…”
We all travelled out of town for a conference that Tami, Colton and I were attending. While out of town I got heartburn that lasted throughout the night and into the next day. That was weird since I never suffered from heartburn in my life. Colton and I silently got excited, knowing that was a possible pregnancy symptom, but we also knew that that was a possible side effect of taking progesterone, so we reserved our excitement. Colton asked if I had taken a test, and I told him I hadn’t and that I didn’t want to test early due to the emotional roller coaster that causes and had caused so many times before.
We got home and spent a relaxed Sunday together. I could tell that my hormones were beginning to shift and I was beginning to feel a lot more emotional. Monday morning I decided to just test and see if I was pregnant, even still knowing I was several days early before expecting my period.

“We’re Pregnant!”
Well that explains it. That test was VERY positive, VERY! The progesterone had normally made me emotional the previous times I had been on it, but it had never given me heartburn before, it must have been my own progesterone levels adding to it, causing higher levels that gave me the heartburn. We’re Pregnant! And we happened to conceive naturally, just by me learning more about my body by reading Taking Charge of your Fertility, and taking my temp with the Tempdrop. BUT…we didn’t feel we could be excited yet. We had experienced miscarriage before and wanted to safeguard our emotions by reserving our excitement. 6 weeks came and went, and by 7 weeks we had an early ultrasound to check and make sure everything looked good, and our baby had a STRONG heartbeat! Little by little, the weeks came and went and I am still pregnant. We finally decided we could be excited, however we still have our reservations and fear of miscarriage.
“I don’t think we will truly feel out of the woods until our baby is here.”
Life is so fragile, and with experiencing the struggles we have had, I don’t think we will truly feel out of the woods until our baby is here. But we are so thankful for finally arriving to this point with everything we have tried and everything we’ve been through to get here.
Baby Winder Coming…Spring 2020!
Baby Winder will be here in the spring, and Sadie is so excited to be a big sister! We are all very excited and so very blessed to finally be able to welcome another baby into our family!

*Disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.
**Also, I believe babies come the way they are supposed to, and women have success in many different ways to become pregnant. I had struggled through many different ways, and to my surprise we were able to get pregnant by something as simple as using the Tempdrop and learning how to understand my body. I wanted to share my experience with you because it ended up being a successful route for me, and I would hope that it is beneficial knowledge for any other woman trying to conceive. Learning your body and using the Tempdrop is also useful in trying to avoid pregnancy. It intrigues me how much information there is in learning about your cycles…but that might just be the Midwifery apprentice speaking 😉 I’ve included a link to the Tempdrop that gives you $10 off if you’d like to try it for yourself. I would advise you also get the book ‘Taking Charge of your Fertility’ so you can learn more about your body to interpret your findings.