Tami Winder/ December 6, 2018/ Family


Christmas is always a fun time of year, but having kids for Christmas makes it even better!

This year Sadie is really starting to be old enough to start getting into the magical fun of Christmas. I remember growing up and doing things like the 12 days of Christmas for other families in the neighborhood and how fun it was to doorbell ditch goodies to people. So this year I decided to try and do an advent calendar with activities we can do as we countdown to Christmas.


It’s a little late getting started but I think I’m starting to get the hang of it now and it will be a lot of fun! I wanted to do something simple that would be easy and fun for Sadie to do, So I made a Christmas tree with a bunch of decorations. Each day she gets to choose one, and then stick it on. By Christmas Eve she’ll have a cute Christmas tree and hopefully some great memories too!


I think part of what makes Christmas so fun is being able to come up with traditions. We spent a fun evening drinking hot chocolate, eating cookies, and decorating the tree. Sadie loved getting the decorations out and was a great helper by deciding where to put things. She especially loved placing the candy canes on the tree.

I’ve got a lot more planned to do in the coming weeks and we look forward to sharing our pictures and memories!

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